We use byte-array, instead of file descriptor. I can't tell the exact exception, but It seems to be caused inside AIDL. Should we use file descriptor interface, instead? This time, we temporally worked around using socket API directory.
Yoshimi Fujii
(2012/11/19 17:47), Johannes Morgenroth wrote:
More details please...
Which exception? Which send method are you using? Do you try to send a byte-array or a filedescriptor?
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Von: Yoshimi Fujii yfujii@kke.co.jp An: ibr-dtn@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Kopie: madtn-dev@kke.co.jp madtn-dev@kke.co.jp Betreff: [ibr-dtn] Bundle size limit (< 1M) of Android application. Datum: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 15:54:55 +0900
When I'm trying to send a file more than 1M byte as a bundle, some Java exception seems to be raised and it always fails. With Linux application, no problem with files over 1M byte. Do you think of any cause of this problem?