I have a question concerning to how did you cross-compile ibtrdt suite for openwrt in a terminal first you configure ibrdtn project with ./configure indicating that the target was a mips processor and you passed as compiler the one in hte toolchain of OpenWRT, am I mistaken?
Thanks in advance
2013/1/25 Francisco Cuesta ndarkness@gmail.com
Hi Johannes,
Understood, concerning to the crosscompilation with eclipse I know how to do it for my target, however the error when I try to crosscompile ibrdtn project on eclipse is a reference one, since it always complains about the path of some files inside the project which cannot be reached, that's to say, it complains about the sentences include <ibrdtn/utils/Uitls.h> for instance, because it cannot find the file (or the path I guess) and says that such a file does not exist. May you tell me how how to reference the project inside folders in order other subfolders can reach then avoiding this reference problem? I tried to look it into the project settings (which were downloaded too) but I couldn't find them.
Thank you so much
Kind regards
2013/1/24 Johannes Morgenroth morgenroth@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Both. In a terminal using the OpenWRT toolchain.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Von: Francisco Cuesta ndarkness@gmail.com An: Johannes Morgenroth morgenroth@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Betreff: Re: [ibr-dtn] Compiling ibrdtn on Eclipse Datum: Thu, 24 Jan 2013 14:29:46 +0100
I see, then when you compiled the code forn Openwrt for instance, did you make it through a terminal or wiht openwrt toolchain??