
Thanks for the previous post on answering my some of my queries on bundle knowhow using API events.

I am using an aerial vehicle to hover about a region for data transactions using DTN. The aerial vehicle is a DTN node that interacts with other DTN static nodes (routers) on the way, by hovering about the region. The vehicle when senses an ongoing data transaction, it starts to hover else moves on. I would like to know if there is a reliable way to determine if there is an "ongoing data transaction" (either send, receive or acknowledgements in progress). 

The vehicle will know when it is sending some data to other nodes, however, it will not know when someone else wants to send a data to the vehicle. Below, is an example with netstat, to check the activity on a given port. The ibrdtn.conf says it uses 4556 port for transactions. In the netstat, it shows port 33827. The netstat is very slow. Is there a faster method to determine "activity of bundles" on a port/ socket? This would be very interesting!

pi@pi2 ~ $ netstat --tcp
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 localhost:43580         localhost:4550          ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0 localhost:4550          localhost:43580         ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0     ESTABLISHED
tcp        0    352     ESTABLISHED
tcp        0     20     ESTABLISHED


Best Regards,