Hi, I'm currently working with IBR-DTN to connect two raspberries. The commands dtnping, dtnsend and dtnrecv work perfectly. Nevertheless, when I try to use the commands dtninbox and dtnoutbox a message saying "bash: dtninbox: command not found" appears. In both raspberries I built the protocol from source following the steps on this guide " https://github.com/ibrdtn/ibrdtn/wiki/Build-IBR-DTN#git-repository ". I also fixed the bug https://mail.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/pipermail/ibr-dtn/2016-May/001082.html before doing the ./configure make and make install commands. If there´s something I missed or did wrong, please tell me. Thank you very much, Dani. [https://opengraph.githubassets.com/f2b6c207727365cdbbd697410b15388d32a9665ec...]https://github.com/ibrdtn/ibrdtn/wiki/Build-IBR-DTN#git-repository Build IBR DTN · ibrdtn/ibrdtn Wikihttps://github.com/ibrdtn/ibrdtn/wiki/Build-IBR-DTN#git-repository A modular and lightweight implementation of the bundle protocol. - Build IBR DTN · ibrdtn/ibrdtn Wiki github.com