22 Jul
22 Jul
5:19 p.m.
Am 22.07.2014 16:32, schrieb Luís Carlos Guedes:
-the time to send a bundle (with default or specified size) + ACK or -the time to send a bundle (with default or specified size) + the time to receive another bundle with the same size?
dtnping measures the second case. In fact, the 'another bundle' is the reflection of the echo application which is almost equal to the request. If you want to measure the ACK time (I assume you refer to status reports), then dtntracepath is your tool.
$ dtntracepath dtn://syrah/echo TRACE TO dtn://syrah/echo 1: dtn://syrah delivery 4.06 ms 2: dtn://syrah/echo ECHO 4.26 ms
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth