Hi, Thanks for the quick response. Yeah I realized time could have been an issue, but from what I see, they both have the correct time (at least relative to each other). The output i'm getting from dtnd on the receiving node is as follows:
Tue Nov 29 17:32:18 2011 NOTICE: QueueBundleEvent: New bundle queued [375921138.53] dtn://v001/filetransfer Tue Nov 29 17:32:18 2011 NOTICE: BundleEvent: bundle [375921138.53] dtn://v001/filetransfer received Tue Nov 29 17:32:18 2011 NOTICE: BundleEvent: bundle [375921138.53] dtn://v001/filetransfer deleted
Thanks, Carson
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 5:20 PM, Sebastian Schildt schildt@ibr.cs.tu-bs.dewrote:
The bundles are deletet at the RECEICING node? That would at least indicate a successful transfer. Do you have the correct time on both nodes? To be sure set them to the same timezone and use ntp to sync the clocks. You can also try increasing the lifetime of bundles, i.e. with --lifetime 7200 in dtnping will generate a bundle with 2 hours lifetime. If a suffciently long lifetime works, this would also hint at some problem with your time sync between the systems.
Otherwise: What is the exact output of the receiving node? I think normally IBR-DTN should give some hint why it deleted some bundle
Am 29.11.2011 um 23:13 schrieb Carson Dunbar:
I am currently having trouble passing bundles between nodes on our
system using dtnd and dtnsend or even successfully using dtnping. I have installed everything in the correct order (I believe), but dtnping and dtnsend just result in deleted bundles at the receiving node. Is there anymore documentation on how to use these programs correctly? I know they are connecting, because I can run tracepath and get the path between them, so I must be doing something else wrong.
Thanks, Carson Dunbar -- !! This message is brought to you via the `ibr-dtn' mailing list. !! Please do not reply to this message to unsubscribe. To unsubscribe or
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