
I have installed ibrdtn on my router which is running the OpenWrt backfire 10.03.1
I am running the dtnd on the router and then trying to standalone ping it.
The daemon seems to be running ok, although I get a weird error when terminating it.
However when I try to ping it, it transmits no packets and when I terminate the ping I get the following error

root@OpenWrt:~# dtnping dtn://OpenWrt/echo
^Cunknown error

--- dtn://OpenWrt/echo echo statistics ---
0 bundles transmitted, 0 received, 0% bundle loss, time 1.52 s
rtt min/avg/max = 0.00/0.00/0.00 ms

Is it possible that this has something to do with the error I get when terminating the daemon?
Any ideas what might be wrong?
Thank you.