On 31 January 2014 at 17:22:57, Johannes Morgenroth (morgenroth@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de) wrote:
Hello Abraham.
Am 31.01.2014 18:18, schrieb Abraham Martín:
> 1) Is there no support for bluetooth on android, am I correct? I have
> connected connected two phones through bluetooth and the interface
> does not appears and no neighbours detected.
At this moment the daemon does not support any bluetooth connection.
Only IP interfaces are supported and shown in the list.
> 2) The p2p0 interface is the WiFi Direct interface, right?
That is correct. Support for that will be there in the next release.
> 3) Is there any way to discover other peers without interaction?
> By interaction I mean get both of them to connect manually to the same
> wifi network.
> E.g. Bluetooth discovery and connection (I know, its battery consuming)
I'm sorry, no. Even Wi-Fi Direct requires the user to acknowledge an dialog.
Kind regards,
Johannes Morgenroth
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