Hi Carson,
this week Johannes in on holiday. I do not know enough about the IBR-DTN C++ side to really answer your question comprehensively , so maybe better wait for his return. But if you want to start poking around, I guess the following snippets might be a good starting point:
b being a Bundle object, accessing the a payload block should work like this
const dtn::data::PayloadBlock &p = b.getBlockdtn::data::PayloadBlock();
Getting all AgeBlocks from a bundle const std::list<const dtn::data::AgeBlock*> ageblocks = b.getBlocksdtn::data::AgeBlock();
Adding an AgeBlock b.push_frontdtn::data::AgeBlock();
The AgeBlock.cpp itself should give some insight into how to create your own blocks. I am not sure if this is all the ingredients you need, but good luck! :)
Am 09.03.2012 um 17:15 schrieb Carson Dunbar:
Hello Johannes, I'm currently trying to work on a new router for IBR-DTN based on the ebr and simpleNC router for DTN2. I am basically trying to transcribe the code for those routers into IBR-DTN. Right now I am trying to work on a block processor so that I can use extension blocks for carrying encoded bundles. Where in the IBR-DTN code can I look for a block processor or does IBR-DTN handle block processing in a significantly different manner than DTN2? If so could you explain how extensions blocks are created and handled? Thank you
Carson Dunbar
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