After tinkering a bit with dtnsend and dtnrecv, I noticed the following :
- dtnsend <eid> <file> -g <group> , sends bundles to all nodes except the one with <eid>
For example, if I have 4 nodes : dtn://n1, dtn://n2, dtn://n3, dtn://n4, using dtnsend dtn://n4 <file> -g <group> , from dtn://n1, I see bundles going from dtn://n1 to dtn://n2 and dtn://n3 but not to dtn://n4
My problem is how to retrieve those bundles from dtnrecv?
I tried using dtnrecv --group <group> --file <file> and even adding a name with --name <name> but I'm not seeing any bundles even though I see them reaching the daemon.
I should probably mention that I am using the epidemic router.
Regard, Jawad
2014/1/14 Jawad Seddar jawad.seddar@gmail.com
I'm trying to send bundles from one node to multiple receivers.
I noticed the -g and --group options in dtnrecv and dtnsend respectively but I can't seem to find the proper way to use these options.
How should I use those options? I tried using them the same way I use the --name option in dtnrecv but no luck so far...
Any pointers would be appreciated.
Regards, Jawad