I just started to use ibr-DTN. I used dtnsend and dtnrecv and they worked. Now I'm trying to use dtninbox/dtnoutbox and it is not working well (probably I'm doing something wrong).
First i used the comand:
bruno@bruno:~$ dtnoutbox abc /home/bruno/Desktop/gg/ dtn://default-1015PEM files: Untitled2
On the other PC I used:
dtninbox abc /home/default/Desktop/
And nothing happens
In the deamon i noticed the following messages on the receiving node:
Wed Feb 20 11:07:28 2013 NOTICE: BundleReceivedEvent: Bundle received [414673649.245] dtn://bruno/abc -> dtn://default-1015PEM from dtn://bruno Wed Feb 20 11:07:28 2013 NOTICE: QueueBundleEvent: New bundle queued [414673649.245] dtn://bruno/abc Wed Feb 20 11:07:28 2013 NOTICE: BundleEvent: bundle [414673649.245] dtn://bruno/abc received Wed Feb 20 11:07:28 2013 NOTICE: BundleEvent: bundle [414673649.245] dtn://bruno/abc deleted Wed Feb 20 11:07:28 2013 NOTICE: BundlePurgeEvent: purging bundle [414673649.245] dtn://bruno/abc
Can somebody help me?
Thank you
Bruno Tavares