Thanks, I will try to do that. I'm using tcpcl.
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 1:43 PM, Vijayasarathy Rajagopalan < shanv82@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Leonel,
- Whats the convergence layer ? I have had very little success on UDP.
- Please check if the neighbours actually discovered each other. In one of
my previous posts, I mentioned about neighbours making contact (neighbour beacons seen), but discovery not completed (presence of the "New node" string in the log file). The problem is still unsolved for me.
Regards, Vijay
On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 5:55 AM, Leonel Gaspar Soares < leonelgasparsoares@gmail.com> wrote:
I have been working with ibr-dtn and a data mule (alix3d3) to transport bundles between nodes. But in many contacts of 20 s, no files are transfered, using dtnoutbox application. How can this be explained and solved?
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