Hi Vijay,
thank you again for your suggestion. I created a lab with two DTN nodes using the UDPDatagramm convergence layer. My EMANE emulation tries to act like a SINCGARS (Single Channel Ground and Air Radio System) tactical radio. The throughput at the phy layer is limited to 9000 bits/s. While the DTN detection and transmission of very small files (up to 512 bytes) works good most of the time, transmission of larger files often fails. I guess (because I don’t know) this is due to the heavy traffic on the emulated radio channel that leads to a lot of dropped packets.
To work around this issue I’d like to tune the parameters of the DatagramConnection, DatagramService and UDPDatagramService classes.
UDPDatagramService params I’d like to tune:
* flowcontrol (STOPNWAIT instead of SLIDING_WINDOW) * initial_timeout (1000ms instead of 50ms)
To be honest I’ve got two questions to the experts:
1) do you think tuning these params will help? 2) is it possible to tune these params using the external config file or do I have to recompile the code?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Thomas
Am 23.01.2017 um 17:40 schrieb Vijayasarathy Rajagopalan shanv82@gmail.com:
Hi Thomas,
An alternative would be to use a radio emulator like the Extended Mobile Adhoc Network Emulator (EMANE) to emulate VHF radio properties at the phy layer, and use UDP convergence on IBR-DTN on top of it. I use the combination of EMANE and IBR-DTN on the Common Open Research Emulator (CORE) platform to emulate a variety of networks running DTN.
Regards, Vijay