Thanks Doctor Morgenroth, I will try that alternative. Could you please explain how can the payload size of fragmentation be configured in OpenWrt?
On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 9:46 PM, Johannes Morgenroth jm@m-network.de wrote:
In order to get rid of bundles stored in memory you can define the blob_path in the configuration. It should point to a writable folder on a harddrive with twice as much space as the largest bundle you like to send (maybe even some more).
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 12.04.2017 um 14:55 schrieb Leonel Gaspar Soares:
Thanks Professor. The error message in daemon is:
Wed Apr 12 14:49:24 2017 ERROR BinaryStreamClient: output stream went bad [Cannot allocate memory]; 134217728 of 134482789 bytes copied
Could this problem be solved with fragmentation? How can payload size of fragment be defined in the configuration file in OpenWrt? limit_payload=500K does not seam to work...
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