
You may be interested in the Docker image, the Dockerfile can be found on [1].
If Docker is not a solution for you, the Dockerfile should still be helpful as it list all the required packages and the command to compile a bleeding-edge IBR-DTN.

[1]: https://mail.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/pipermail/ibr-dtn/2016-January/001048.html

Best regards,
auzias.net - vcard - thesis
GSM: 0033 695 118 774

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 6:22 AM, Walter Preuninger <walterpreuninger2@icloud.com> wrote:
I would really like to start experimenting with DTN.

I have ION installed from packages on both Ubuntu x64 and Raspberry Pi (jessie)

I can’t seem to to get DTN complied cleanly for OS X 10.11 or on Linux.

I have IBR installed on my x64 Ubuntu machine, but it won’t cleanly compile on Jessie.

Can anyone help, or point me to jessie .deb packages instead of wheezy?


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