Hi Bruno,
are the node names correct? Maybe it is a bit more safe to set them in the config files.
For node B, you did not set any route (it's commented out). With routing = none, dtnd will not send any bundles to any node.
The line route1= dtn://drivein254 dtn://drivein254 would only enable forwarding of bundles with the exact destination 'dtn://drivein254'. If there is anything more (like dtn://drivein254/echo), it would not work. So the '*' is needed.
Node C does not have any routes, so it will not send any bundles (assuming your deamon hat this functionality)
But still, which version of dtnd are you using? You'll need a version which is not older than a few months, I think... If i see it right, this was added at the beginning of May this year.
Regards, Stephan
On Sat, 2013-07-13 at 15:35 +0000, Bruno Tavares wrote:
Thank you for answering
I just tried that and the bundle is not sent to trough node B to C. I will sent the configurations files I'm using.
Thank you
Bruno Tavares