Hi again, 
I have managed to mount my USB stick(packages kmod-nls-cp437 kmod-nls-iso8859-1) were missing and now the image of my filesystem is like this:

root@OpenWrt:~# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    1088      1040        48  96% /
/dev/root                 2048      2048         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    14608       764     13844   5% /tmp
tmpfs                      512         0       512   0% /dev
/dev/mtdblock3         7822336       916   7821420   0% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        1088      1040        48  96% /
/dev/sda1              7822336       916   7821420   0% /overlay

I thought now that it would be ok to store ibrdtn. I added in the /etc/opkg.conf file this line

opkg update 
opkg install ibrdtnd


root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install ibrdtn
Installing ibrdtn (0.10.2) to root...
Installing ibrcommon (0.10.2) to root...
Collected errors:
 * wfopen: //usr/lib/opkg/info/ibrcommon.control: No space left on device.
 * wfopen: /usr/lib/libibrcommon-0.10.so.1.0.0: No space left on device.
 * extract_archive: Cannot create symlink from ./usr/lib/libibrcommon-0.10.so.1 to 'libibrcommon-0.10.so.1.0.0': No space left on device.
 * extract_archive: Cannot create symlink from ./usr/lib/libibrcommon.so to 'libibrcommon-0.10.so.1.0.0': No space left on device.
 * set_flags_from_control: Failed to open //usr/lib/opkg/info/ibrcommon.control:No such file or directory.
 * pkg_write_filelist: Failed to open //usr/lib/opkg/info/ibrcommon.list: No space left on device.
 * opkg_install_pkg: Failed to extract data files for ibrcommon. Package debris may remain!
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package ibrdtn.
 * opkg_conf_write_status_files: Can't open status file //usr/lib/opkg/status: No space left on device.

Where lies the problem now?


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Theodoros Bourchas <bourchast@gmail.com> wrote:
1) I have formatted the second partition(/dev/sda2) of my USB stick to ext2.
2) It is recognized by the web interface of TP-LINK but it is not mounted...
3)OpenWRT version is 12.09 "Attitude Adjustment and I follow these steps http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/extroot#openwrt.12.09.attitude.adjustment
4)My problem occurs when I try to mount the filesystem for the new external rootfs to a manually created directory /mnt/share
I have tried :      mount -t ext2 /dev/sda2  /mnt/share
                         mount /dev/sda2  /mnt/share
And I always get ---> mount: mounting /dev/sda2 on /mnt/share failed: Invalid argument

It seems that mounting cannot be done.
I dunno if I have to change sth in etc/config/fstab . I only changed "option fstype 'ext2'" . I attach it for completeness...
config global 'automount'
        option from_fstab '1'
        option anon_mount '1'

config global 'autoswap'
        option from_fstab '1'
        option anon_swap '0'

config mount
        option target '/overlay'
        option options 'rw,sync'
        option device '/dev/sda2'
        option fstype 'ext2'
        option enabled_fsck '0'
        option enabled '1'

config swap
        option enabled '1'
        option device '/dev/sda1'


On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 3:25 AM, Tom Sparks <tom_a_sparks@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

On Thursday, 30 January 2014 8:18 AM, Theodoros Bourchas <bourchast@gmail.com> wrote:

Following the procedure that is described in the  http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/extroot
>I had to mount a filesystem in which the overlay will be copied to.
>I am using a Verbatim Store 'n' Stay Nano USB Drive - 8GB ,  (FAT32 filesystem)
>and I have to configure OpenWRT to recognize this device.  
>I have installed the following additional packages :  
>kmod-usb-storage, kmod-fs-vfat , block-mount.
>After rebooting and plug-ing the USB,  I had the interface in /dev/sda and /dev/sda1 and the web page of the router seemed like this:
>Next step was to mount, I followed the instructions as described in the http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/usb.storage
>mkdir -p /mnt/share
> mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/share -o rw,sync
> But I received an error mount: mounting /dev/sda1 on /mnt/usb failed: Invalid argument. I have searched a bit around web to find any solution but it seems that sth is missing.
>Have you encountered a similar problem with OpenWRT on TP-LINK(3040)?
>Thanks in advance,
I formated the usb stick to ext2
What version of openwrt do you have?

I am guessing 12.09 "Attitude Adjustment" based on openwrt hardware page for TP-LINK MR3040

if so you were reading the wrong instruction set
see <http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/extroot#openwrt.12.09.attitude.adjustment>

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