I think without (a lot of) further details nobody here might be able to help you. When you reply, try to supply as many relevant information as possible and needed, e. g., - what is the exact IP (i.e., IPv4 *and* IPv6) config of your interface(s), - what *exact* packets do you see in wireshark? protocol names, ports, addresses (again IPv4 *and/or* IPv6?), packet types, etc., or even the actual trace, - possibly even your network config, routing tables, anything modified with sysctl, and so on.
In your initial mail, you wrote a set of ip(6)tables commands. I noticed, that only 1 out of the 5 pairs is for ip6tables - have you, e. g., tried also blocking IPv6 multicast traffic? This seems at least to be missing from your provided commands.
# Martin
On 05/04/2017 07:43 PM, Leonel Gaspar Soares wrote:
All other tráfic Gets bloked except these Packets Stephan Rottmann <rottmann@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de mailto:rottmann@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de> escreveu em qui, 4/05/2017 às 18:32 :