TCP convergence layer of IBR-DTN has been proved to be able to deliver large file (around 600 MB).
But, IBR-DTN seems to make only one bundle for one file to be sent.
If the file is not big one, it might be O.K.
What if the file size is more than 1GB?
If the connection is broken during transmitting big bundle, how can it be recovered?
Do I have to retransmit from the beginning?
From this reason, I think, fragmentation is defined in rfc.
I wonder whether IBR-DTN implements fragmentation in TCP convergence lay?
I hardly find proper source code for it.
If not, is there any reason?
Any comment will be big help for me.
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
Seung-Hun Oh
From: Johannes Morgenroth [mailto:morgenro@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de] Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 9:35 PM To: osh93@etri.re.kr Cc: ibr-dtn@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Subject: Re: Some Questions about IBR-DTN errors
the bundle size limit in IBR-DTN is defined through the system architecture. On 32-bit plattforms the file size bound is at 2 GB. Keep in mind that, if you start the daemon without any configuration all the data is stored in memory.
Best regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 01.11.2010 09:55, schrieb 오승훈:
Thanks a lot. It works now. ^^
I have another question. ^^;
I tried to send big file such as movie file (about 700 M).
but I don't see the receiving node gets it, even though the sender says " Transfer file "Movie.avi" to dtn://IBM".
How large file does ibr-dtn support? what is the maximum size it support?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Seung-hun Oh