Hello Bruno,
the BundleReceivedEvent allows you to access the "bundle". The size of the payload is accessable through the list of blocks.
const dtn::data::PayloadBlock &pblock = bundle.find<const dtn::data::PayloadBlock>(); const dtn::data::Number payloadlength = pblock.getLength();
The size of the encoded bundle depends on the Serializer. You could use something like this to guess the encoded bundle size.
dtn::data::DefaultSerializer s(std::cout); dtn::data::Length size = s.getLength(bundle);
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 23.07.2013 10:54, schrieb Bruno Tavares:
Good morning.
Is it possible to know the size of a bundle when it is received by the peer? I would like to have this information on the log but in the BundleReceivedEvent.cpp I cannot have access to this information.
Thank you
Best regards,
Bruno Tavares
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