We are having the following problem: when we use dtnsend+dtninbox to send a file from a device to another, the file is successfully transfered if the 2 devices are in contact with each other (i.e., pinging) when the "dtnsend" command is issued (and so the transfer is immediate); if the devices are not connected when the dtnsend is issued and only later come into contact, the bundle/file is not transfered.
A similar thing seems to happen if we try to use additional devices as relay nodes. For instance, when we use flooding for routing, the bundles are shared with connected devices immediately after we use dtnsend, but those devices do not deliver the bundles to the destination if they have to wait for some time before getting in contact with the destination.
We are thinking this might be a problem of the bundle storage system: perhaps bundles can only be directly transmitted and not stored. In previous tests, we had used the default configurations (so with no persistant storage, and we saw files delivered together once there was contact with the destination) and later we tried with our own configurations including persistent storage (and we had many bundles we could not get delivered to their destination). During the latest tests we again used dtnd with default configurations, but we still cannot get bundles delivered when there is delay in contact.
We thought perhaps due to our unsuccessful experiment the bundle storage system could be full and thus not allowing for new bundles to be stored. In order to flush the bundle storage we rebooted the devices and we also erased the files that were in the directory indicated by the configuration file for persistant storage. After that we tried again and we still cannot transfer files between devices who are only connected a few seconds after the dtnsend command being issued (we can still transfer the file if the devices are pinging when the file is sent).
We don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Thank you,