We are using IBR-DTN in a vehicular testbed and we currently have 2 issues we are tackling and we would appreciate if you can give us some input about them:
1) Blobs folder
As far as we know, this folder's goal is only to host files temporarily. However, after a long time running IBR-DTN (several days) we have seen it increase its size and it has reached 28 MB. It contains many files, many of them old files. We cannot have such an amount of storage being used for this folder, and we would like to correct whatever is causing this. For now we are cleaning the files in folder when the devices boot, but we do not want that as a permanent solution.
2) Virtual Memory
We have seen that IBR-DTN does not take up a lot of real memory and we did not have problems with that, but as time goes by we see the daemon taking more and more virtual memory, growing into the several hundreds of percent of the real memory. We are not sure if that might cause problems as time goes by so we would like to prevent the virtual memory from increasing to such enormous values.
Do you have ideas or suggestions on how to tackle these 2 issues?
Thank you very much,
Romeu Monteiro