Hi DTN folks/masters,

I am using Raspberry PI. I just updated the Raspbian Wheezy and upgraded to the latest version 0.10.0 of ibrdtn. I just did (sudo apt-get ibrdtnd ibrdtn-tools).

Unfortunately, I cannot see the /tmp/ibrdtn.stats in the folder. The stats commands are also missing in the ibrdtn.conf file. I have all the required permissions for this folder. In my own program, I read this file to get the neighbor node's status (i.e. if they are available) and not I am unable to. This feature was available in the previous version of ibrdtn (which I am unable to retrieve now - I cannot see the earlier version in the Raspbian repository!

In the version update: http://trac.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/project-cm-2012-ibrdtn/wiki/changelog:
It says: 
  • Statistic Logger replaced by API management calls
What does this mean? If there is an API, where is it and what is the easy way of calling this API? I am programming in python..

Also, I would like to know the difference between DTN2 and IBRDTN, which one is better to use and why/ why not?

Thank you and I hope I can get some help!

Best Regards,