I am trying to compile IBR-DTN on OpenWRT. I found out from a message on your mailing list that you have several files related to this in your SVN/GIT repository, but the link provided doesn't work anymore.
Here is the message:
And here is part of its contents:
The OpenWRT packages are build from the release archives. The Makefiles and the additional stuff for OpenWRT are available in the GIT or SVN repository: http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/svn/ibr-dtn/trunk/recipes/openwrt/
Could you please let me know where I can currently find the necessary files? Any related advice to compiling IBR-DTN on OpenWRT would be great.
Related to this, note that I use a development OpenWRT version (r31674). I tried to install the OpenWrt packages you provided directly from the PKG files, but I had a dependency error (libstdcpp) which I didn't know how to solve, so I guess compiling is the only solution...
Best wishes, Razvan