Hello Johannes,

I simply added the following to ManagementConnection.cpp :

if( cmd[0] == "route"){
    if(cmd.size() == 4){
        if(cmd[1] == "add"){
            dtn::core::BundleCore::getInstance().addRoute(cmd[2], cmd[3], 3600);
            _stream << ClientHandler::API_STATUS_OK << " ROUTE ADDED FOR " << cmd[2] << " THROUGH " << cmd[3] << std::endl;
        if(cmd[1] == "del"){
            dtn::core::BundleCore::getInstance().removeRoute(cmd[2], cmd[3]);
            _stream << ClientHandler::API_STATUS_OK << " ROUTE REMOVED FOR " << cmd[2] << " THROUGH " << cmd[3] << std::endl;
        _stream << ClientHandler::API_STATUS_OK << " WRONG NUMBER OF ARGUMENTS" << std::endl;

And it seems to be working like a charm simply using "route add dtn://n1.dtn dtn://n2.dtn" or "route del dtn://n1.dtn dtn://n2.dtn"

Thank you for the pointers.


2014/1/10 Johannes Morgenroth <morgenroth@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>
Hello Jawad,

at the moment there is no way to add/remove static routes via the API.
But if you like to add this functionality, you should take a look at the
file ManagementConnection.cpp [1] and the BundleCore::addRoute() method [2].

Kind regards,
Johannes Morgenroth


Am 09.01.2014 16:43, schrieb Jawad Seddar:
> Hi everyone,
> I am a new user of IBR-DTN (v 0.10.2) and I would like to know if it
> is possible to add and delete static routes while the daemon is
> running (e.g. through API calls) in the same way we can add and delete
> connections through this api command : "connection <eid>
> [tcp|udp|file] [add|del] <ip> <port> <global|local>".
> Regards,
> J.

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