The last two error messages are the result of binding to eth0 which does
not have any configured address. Replace eth0 with br-lan in the
configuration to get it working.

The "bind failed" error may the result of multiple instances of the
daemon. Be sure that all instances are stopped before starting again.

Kind regards,
Johannes Morgenroth

Hi Johannes,

I am afraid that the suggestion didn't work out, I have changed the interface to the br-lan and it stills refuses to work. As you can see below I have also changed to the wireless interface, and it happens the same issue. Any other suggestion? Perhaps some of the libs that I have installed are outdated?

Thanks in advance,

Bes regards

root@OpenWrt:~# tail -f /tmp/ibrdtn.err
Sun Feb  9 18:44:43 2014 ERROR IPNDAgent: join failed on br-lan; 99: setsockopt()
Sun Feb  9 18:44:43 2014 ERROR IPNDAgent: join failed on wlan0; 99: setsockopt()
root@OpenWrt:~# date
Sun Feb  9 18:44:52 UTC 2014

root@OpenWrt:~# ifconfig
br-lan    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 64:70:02:3E:A7:80 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:11626 errors:0 dropped:320 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:10683 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:2336332 (2.2 MiB)  TX bytes:2190293 (2.0 MiB)

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 64:70:02:3E:A7:81 
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:1614 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1012 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:148045 (144.5 KiB)  TX bytes:108272 (105.7 KiB)

Config file for ibrdtn

root@OpenWrt:~# cat /etc/config/ibrdtn
# IBR-DTN daemon                    #

config 'daemon' 'main'
    # The local eid of the dtn node. Default is the hostname.
#    option uri            dtn://node.dtn
    # timezone offset in hours
#    option timezone        +1
    # logfile for standard output
    option logfile        /tmp/ibrdtn.log
    option errfile        /tmp/ibrdtn.err
    # debug level
#    option debug        20

    # block size limit
#    option blocksize        512M
#    option foreign_blocksize    128M

# If something bad happened, the safe mode will be activated.
# These are the restrictions for safe mode only.
config 'daemon' 'safemode'
    option forwarding    no
    option storage        64M
    option maxblock        16M
#    option wait_mount    /dev/sda1

# storage configuration             #

config 'daemon' 'storage'
    # possible engines are: simple, sqlite
    option engine        simple
    option blobs        /tmp/ibrdtn/blobs
    option bundles        /tmp/ibrdtn/bundles
#    option container    /tmp/ibrdtn/container.img
#    option path            /tmp/ibrdtn/container
#    option limit        1G

# routing configuration             #

# In the "default" the daemon only delivers bundles to neighbors and static
# available nodes. The alternative module "epidemic" spread all bundles to
# all available neighbors.
config 'daemon' 'main'
    # values: none | default | epidemic | flooding | prophet
    option    routing        default
#    option    forwarding    no
#    option    fragmentation    yes

# static routing rules
# - a rule is a regex pattern
# - format is <target-scheme> <routing-node>
#config 'static-route'
#    list pattern        ^dtn://[[:alpha:]].moon.dtn/[[:alpha:]]
#    option destination    dtn://router.dtn

# static connections

#config 'static-connection'
#    option uri            dtn://node-five.dtn
#    option address
#    option port            4556
#    option protocol        tcp
#    option immediately    yes

#config 'static-connection'
#    option uri            dtn://node-ten
#    option address
#    option port            4556
#    option protocol        udp
#    option immediately    no

# convergence layer configuration   #

# You can specify an multicast address to listen to for discovery announcements.
# If no address is specified the multicast equivalent of broadcast is used.
config 'daemon' 'discovery'
#    option address
#    option timeout        5
#    option crosslayer    yes

config 'daemon' 'tcptuning'
#    option 'idle_timeout'    120
#    option 'nodelay'        yes
#    option 'chunksize'        4096

config 'network'
    option type            tcp
    option interface    br-lan
    option port            4556
config 'network'
    option type            tcp
    option interface    wlan0
    option port            4556

# bundle security protocol          #

# the level specifies the security constains
# 0 = no constrains (default)
# 1 = accept only BAB authenticated bundles
# 2 = accept only encrypted bundles
# 3 = accept only BAB authenticated and encrypted bundles

#config 'daemon' 'security'
#    option level        0
#    option bab_key        /path/to/default-bab-key.mac
#    option key_path        /path/to/security-keys
#config 'daemon' 'tls'
#    option certificate    /path/to/tls-cert.crt
#    option key            /path/to/tls-key.key
#    option trustedpath    /path/to/tls-ca
#    option required        no
#    option noencryption no

# time synchronization              #

#config 'daemon' 'timesync'
#    option reference        yes
#    option synchronize        yes
#    option discovery_announcement    yes
#    option sigma            1.001
#    option psi            0.9
#    option sync_level        0.1

# DHT                               #

config 'daemon' 'dht'
    option 'enabled'    'no'
#    option 'id'        '<enter your unique id here>'
    option 'bootstrap'    'yes'
#    option 'nodesfile'    '/tmp/dht_nodes.dat'
    option 'port'         '9999'
    option 'enable_ipv6'    'no'
#    option 'enable_ipv4'    'no'
#    option 'bind_ipv4'    ''
#    option 'bind_ipv6'    '::1'
    option 'ignore_neighbour_informations'        'yes'
    option 'allow_neighbours_to_announce_me'    'no'
    option 'allow_neighbour_announcement'        'no'