exactly, you can run two (or more) local IBR-DTN daemons if they are using different ports for API and TCP-CL and different discovery addresses. Between the different overlays you can only transmit data statically, i.e. on a node with two DTN daemons running under different ports, you can add one as static neighbour to the other and use some static routes to „lift“ bundles from one overlay to the next. Probably there are a million pitfalls doing this, but it could work :) I used something similar (two daemons on one node) when I wanted to interconnect a IEEE 802.15.4 DTN (no flooding, no discovery) with a noisy IP-based DTN (many nodes, Prophet, lots of traffic), to avoid DoSing the 802.15.4 network.
On 10 Sep 2015, at 07:21, Maël Auzias ibrdtn@auzias.net wrote:
Hello Sebastian,
thanks for your answer. I'm just wondering: If I "make sure there is no auto discovery between the two" how does my first node will forward the bundle to the other close by node on the different overlay if they don't discover each other?
By reading your answer I thought about running two local IBR-DTN daemon (is it at least possible?) and each of them process a different algorithm. Not the most efficient way, but on the idea it „should work“(tm).
Anyway, thanks again !
Best regards,
Auzias Maël auzias.net - vcard - thesis GSM: 0033 695 118 774
On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:22 PM, Sebastian Schildt schildt@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de wrote: Hello Maël
Not sure what MEB is, but currently IBR-DTN does not support configuring different routing protocols at once with one exception: I think even with Prophet or Epidemic enabled, static routes are honoured. So in a hacky way, this could be used to forward bundles to another statically configured neighbour, that runs another routing protocol (possible on different TCPCL ports and Discovery addresses), so basically you build n separate DTN networks/overlays , with each one using a different routing, and make sure there is no auto discovery between the two, and use static routing to transfer bundles between the two overlays. Not too flexible, and more complexity, but it „should work“(tm).
On 07 Sep 2015, at 14:55, Maël Auzias ibrdtn@auzias.net wrote:
Hi dear list!
I was wondering if it is possible to use two different routing protocol among a network.
The easiest one I can think, and fastest to deploy, of is:
- One dynamic routing protocol (BATMAN, spray-and-wait, prophet...)
- One static routing protocol based on destination, i.e., all bundles with dtn://all/* as destination are forwarded to all nodes (and thus we deploy an epidemic routing protocol for a specific type of messages).
Did anyone work on such a case? Do you have any idea or suggestion on how to do that? Is using the MEB a way to achieve this? Isn't MEB too much (or not enough) for this?
Have a nice day, and thanks for further response (if any).
Best regards,
Auzias Maël auzias.net - vcard - thesis GSM: 0033 695 118 774 -- !! This message is brought to you via the `ibr-dtn' mailing list. !! Please do not reply to this message to unsubscribe. To unsubscribe or adjust !! your settings, send a mail message to ibr-dtn-request@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de !! or look at https://mail.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/listinfo/ibr-dtn.
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