Hello André,
your scenario is not possible this way. Each DTN node must have a unique singleton EID to work. Configuring the same EID twice only adds a second path to the same node. The daemon would only utilize one path at the same time.
If you want to exploit multi-cast or group EIDs, then you simply register your application to a group EID and send your bundles to that group. You should read the dtnsend / dtnrecv help texts for details.
Group routing is implemented similar to flooding and depends on the dynamic routing protocol you configured. "flooding", "epidemic" and "prophet" are routing schemes which support group routing. All of them work slightly different.
In future, please direct those questions to the mailing-list instead of directly to me. That way other experts get a change to answer your questions.
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 02.06.2014 15:39, schrieb André Sá:
Hello Johannes,
I am using prophet routing protocol and I would like to send a bundle from one node to two nodes identified with the same EID. I have read that in case of multicast or anycast, a single EID may point to more than one node, but each node must have a singleton endpoint.
I have configured the following static connections:
static1_address = static1_port = 4556 static1_uri = dtn://cloudFutureCities.dtn static1_proto = tcp static1_immediately = yes static1_global = yes
static2_address = static2_port = 4556 static2_uri = dtn://cloudFutureCities.dtn static2_proto = tcp static2_immediately = yes static2_global = yes
I also tried dtn://cloudFutureCities.dtn/nodeB uri instead of dtn://cloudFutureCities.dtn in both connections, but in both situations it only connects to the node configured in static1. Have I to configure the connections using the singleton eid?
Kind regards,
André Sá