Thank you Johannes, Sabastian,

I tried both of your approaches. I believe both lead me to the same thing. Here is a simple script I wrote to return whenever there is an activity that happens w.r.t IBR-DTN bundles:

def GetPortActivity():
    '''Get the activity of the current localhost either sending or listening'''
    retList = RunCommand('netstat --tcp -n | grep %s | grep %s'%(Params.get_myIP(),':4556'), False)

    # Get information from data[1] and data[2]
    if (retList[1]):
        all_lines = retList[1].rstrip().split('\n')
        for line in all_lines:
            data = line.split()
        # Check if something is happening..Data format => [TCP, Recv, Send, Bytes, Local_IP:Port, Remote_IP:Port, Status] 
            if (toInt(data[1]) > 0 or toInt(data[2]) > 0):
                # Just log the data
                return True
    return False

netstat -c -n, did the trick for me, its fast and reliable. This logic will be used to give the knowledge to the drone for any to-fro data transactions. This was an important step for me.

I also want to appreciate the stability of the later versions and the source is C++ source is well written. Thank you and long live IBR-DTN :)))))
Best Regards,