is it possible, that already an instance of dtnd is running (for example from the startup-scripts)?
Try: $ ps ax | grep dtnd
Regards, Stephan
Am Mittwoch, den 28.08.2013, 14:34 +0300 schrieb Dimitrios Giotas:
I am facing a weird problem with the ibr daemon. When I run it with a modified configuration file, both the log and the daemon itself say the active configuration file is the modified one.
However, in order for the daemon to ping himself I have to use the default eid and not the one I specified in my conf file.
Therefore I assume that the daemon runs in its default configuration as a whole.
Moreover, I get the following message in the daemon : ERROR ApiServer: cannot bind socket with address [::1]:4550
Lastly, the daemon cannot be pinged by its neighbor, an OpenWrt router, no matter the eid I use.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dimitris Giotas
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