Hello, IBR-DTN developers and users!
I suspect that IBR-DRN does excessive work on copying files while doing dtnrecv.
Here is what I do.
1. On the node2 I start dtnrecv --file /var/tmp/1.iso --name file
2. On the node1 I start dtnsend dtn://node-2.dtn/file /media/1.iso
Then in another console on node2 I look, what does IBR-DTN do.
1. It stores the data, received, from node1 to a blob file in /var/spool/dtnd/blobs/
2. Than it copies that blob file to a bundle file in /var/spool/dtnd/bundles/
3. Than it copies the bundle file to the destination file /var/tmp/1.iso
Steps 1 and 2 look ok to me. But why use bit-by-bit copy on step 3 instead of just move (mv)
the bundle file to the destination file without the expensive data transfer?
This excessive data copying consumes memory to store the whole bundle and takes more time.
My node2 has 2Gb RAM. The file that I send (1.iso) is 1.2Gb. RAM gets exhausted on the step 3,
and dtnrecv fails with error message "Aborted".
So I have two proposals.
1. Implement better error reporting, e.g. "Not enough memory to copy file." instead of "Aborted."
2. Move bundle file to the destination file instead of copying it.
My IBR-DTN config:
local_uri = dtn://node-2.dtn
logfile = /var/log/ibrdtn.log
timezone = +4
limit_blocksize = 0
user = dtnd
blob_path = /var/spool/dtnd/blobs
storage_path = /var/spool/dtnd/bundles
limit_storage = 5G
discovery_announce = 0
net_interfaces = eth0
net_rebind = yes
net_autoconnect = 60
net_eth0_type = tcp
net_eth0_interface = eth0
net_eth0_port = 4556
net_eth0_discovery = yes
routing_forwarding = yes
static1_address =
static1_port = 4556
static1_uri = dtn://node-1.dtn
static1_proto = tcp
static1_immediately = yes
dht_enabled = yes
dht_bootstrapping = yes
Best Regards,
Sergey Syreskin