Hi Johannes,
First of all thanks for the details !

I was already playing with this file but using the -c and -i option. I feel more comfortable using this than the service ;)

Also I'm going to used mixed nodes network with DTN2/IBR-DTN, any tips ?

Thanks again !

Best regards,
Maël - http://auzias.net
PhD candidate
GSM : 0033 695 118 774

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Johannes Morgenroth <morgenroth@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de> wrote:
Am 07.03.2014 10:31, schrieb Maël Auzias:
> Have a nice day!


If the daemon is installed using the Debain packages a configuration
file is located in /etc/ibrdtn/ibrdtnd.conf. This is very common for
packages which install some kind of server / service. Take a look at the
configuration file. It is commented and need some changes to listen to
the right network interfaces.

By default, the daemon does not listen to any interface!

To listen on wlan0 at least this configuration is required...

net_interfaces = wifi
net_wifi_type = tcp
net_wifi_interface = wlan0
net_wifi_port = 4556

Then the "-i wlan0" option is no longer necessary.

Kind regards,
Johannes Morgenroth

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