
I'm currently trying the ibr-dtn for android app. It works fine and I can ping the phone from a computer connected on the same network using WiFi.

I would now like to build my own DTN application in order to send bundles from the phone and receive them on a computer connected on the same network.

I have looked at the code from DTNExampleApp and ShareBox.

When I use the DTNExampleApp, I keep getting the following messages in the logs (from DTNClient) :
- registration successful
- Session not available, need to register.

I tried to build my own app nevertheless but it is stuck on the DTNClient.getSession() blocking call.

This is what I did :

DTNClient client = new DTNClient();
Registration registration = new Registration("dtnsendapp");
client.initialize(this, registration);

EID destination = new SingletonEndpoint("dtn://receiver.dtn/dtnrecvapp");
Bundle b = new Bundle();

Session s = client.getSession(); <-- program hangs here

String payload = "Hello World";
BundleID ret = s.send(b, payload.getBytes());

NB : I removed the Try, Catch to make the example as readable as possible.

My question is : How do I send a bundle using the provided API?

Thank you,