Hi everyone,
Looking through the API http://trac.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/project-cm-2012-ibrdtn/wiki/docs/api documentation https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/ibr-dtn/apidoc/0.12/api.pdf I could not find how to send a bundle to 2+ destinations. Should I just typed the following during my bundle put plain or will it overwrite the first one? [..] Destination: dtn://dest1/01 Destination: dtn://all/groupEID-02 [..]
What about the flag if one destination is a singleton and the other is a group EID?
Sorry for asking "should I do this" instead of trying it, so far I just did not had the time to test it but it's planned ;) and my question about the flags remains anyway.
Have a nice day, and thanks again for all your work!
Best regards, --- Auzias Maël auzias.net https://www.auzias.net/en/ - vcard https://www.auzias.net/auzias.vcf - thesis http://people.irisa.fr/Mael.Auzias/ *GSM: 0033 695 118 774*