Hello, I have installed ibr-dtn both on my computer and my router,following the instructions in the ibr-dtn wiki page. The daemon works on my computer, however I am facing some problems with the router. I can call the daemon,after ssh'ing to my router, and I get the following : root@OpenWrt:~# dtnd Fri Sep 16 17:20:35 2011 INFO: Using default settings. Call with --help for options. Fri Sep 16 17:20:35 2011 INFO: IBR-DTN daemon 0.8.0 (build 52262) Fri Sep 16 17:20:35 2011 INFO: Switching user to nobody When I close it with ctrl+c i get the following : ^Cpure virtual method called terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ibrcommon::vsocket_exception' what(): cannot bind socket Aborted
Plus with the daemon running I can't get neither the dtnrecv nor the dtnsend command to work When I call dtnsend -h I get the error : -ash: dtnsend: not found.Same goes for dtnrecv. It seems to me that something has gone wrong with the installation.Is that the case?
One last thing.Is there an ibr-dtn manual similar to the dtn2 one? If so,could you please provide a link.
Thank you, Dimitris Giotas.