If all you want to acheive is a limited lifetime of 15 min for a bundle, you can use the --lifetime parameter in dtnping or dtnsend, i.e.
echo "Hello" | dtnsend --lifetime 900 dtn://dst.dtn/app
sends a bundle with payload "Hello" and a lifetime of 15 min. After 15 min all DTN nodes whos till have that bundle in storage will delete it. Noramlly you do not need to set anzthing in the configuratin, because the lifetime is a per bundle setting.
If you set the limit_lifetime option, a node would reject bundles sent to him, whose remaining lifetime is larger. So in many normal use case you do not want this (only as a safeguard perhaps). Moreso for the predated option, which can maybe protect you against misconfigured clocks or "weird" bundles, but it also not needed normaly.
What you probably want is the lifetime setting for an indivudal bundle.
Am 12.07.2013 um 23:40 schrieb Dimitrios Giotas dimigiotas@gmail.com:
Thank you for your reply Sebastian.
However I still don't get the difference between timestamp and lifetime. As far as I can understand they both signify the time it has passed since the creation of the bundle, so is there really a difference?
If I wanted to bundle to be dropped after 15 minutes which parameter do I alter? I think the lifetime is the correct one, but I can't say for sure since I don't know the timestamp concept.
Regards, Dimitris
On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 12:11 AM, Sebastian Schildt schildt@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de wrote: Ah if I am not mistaken the limit_predated means it will reject bundles whose timestamps is to far (more than allowed by the parameter) in the future. So it seems "pre"dated is not a good word for this, as it rather means "post"dated.
limit_lifetime does just what it says on the can: Bundle whose lifetime is greater will be rejected. This is rather a safeguard against unfortunate "mishaps". Once one of our students accidentally managed to generate lots of bundles with a lifetime of several years and we had a real hard time getting them out of our network and thus this feature was born :)
Am 12.07.2013 um 23:03 schrieb Dimitrios Giotas dimigiotas@gmail.com:
The difference between the limit_predated_timestamp and the limit_lifetime is quite unclear to me.
Would anyone please explain the difference, or better yet the meaning of limit_predated_timestamp.
Thank you.
Regards, Dimitris. -- !! This message is brought to you via the `ibr-dtn' mailing list. !! Please do not reply to this message to unsubscribe. To unsubscribe or adjust !! your settings, send a mail message to ibr-dtn-request@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de !! or look at https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/mailman/listinfo/ibr-dtn.