Am 11.02.2014 15:24, schrieb Theodoros Bourchas:
I will try changing these parameters, but I still never receive in the daemons running, messages like these:
NOTICE option is enabled somehow?
If you enable the logfile options in /etc/config/ibrdtn and start the daemon with /etc/init.d/ibrdtn start, the output will be in the log files. If you start the daemon manually you have to enable the NOTICE messages with "-v" to see them (see dtnd -h for more options).
$ dtnd -h IBR-DTN version: 0.10.2 Syntax: dtnd [options] -h|--help display this text -c <file> set a configuration file -D daemonize the process -k stop the running daemon -p <file> store the pid in this pidfile -i <interface> interface to bind on (e.g. eth0) -d <level> enable debugging and set a verbose level -q enables the quiet mode (no logging to the console) -t <threads> specify a number of threads for parallel event processing -v be verbose - show NOTICE log messages --version show version and exit --noapi disable API module --nodiscovery disable discovery module --timestamp enables timestamps for logging instead of datetime values
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth