I have a strange problem that I hope someone could help me with. When I use the TCP Convergence Layer, this works fine, however when I attempt to use the UDP convergence layer, it seems to remember some old configuration, or fallback to TCP and does not use the UDP convergence layer.
The conf file of my source node is below:
local_uri = dtn://tx net_eth_type = dgram:udp #net_internet = eth0 net_eth_interface = eth0 net_eth_port = 4556 net_interfaces = eth
# Create a route to rx static1_uri = dtn://rx static1_port = 4556 static1_address = static1_proto = udp static1_immediately = yes # connect immediately to this node #static1_global = no # this node is only reachable with internet access
routing = default stats_traffic = yes
api_interface = lo
However, when I start the daemon:
dtnd -c /home/alarm/downloads/ibr-dtn/configs/2node-udpcl/tx.conf -v -i eth0
The log shows the following entry:
Sun Jan 17 21:38:50 2016 INFO NativeDaemon: TCP ConvergenceLayer added on eth0:4556
If anyone could offer any help, this would be very much appreciated! Kind Regards, Nik