Thanks so much for the info. I could set up different daemons now, but when I try
to ping any with api port other than 4550 it says 'Cannot connect to daemon. Does it
run?' . I have tried to set up static nodes, add link and routes, and also the --nodiscovery
option, but all give the same error. Here is my config file. Am I doing something wrong
in the config file?
api_port = 1234
console set addr
console set port 5050
set shorthostname [lindex [split [info hostname] .] 0]
console set prompt "$shorthostname dtn% "
discovery_announce = 0
route set type static
route local_eid "dtn://[info hostname].dtn"
interface add tcp0 tcp
interface add udp0 udp
link add link1 ONDEMAND udp
route add dtn://aayush-pc/* link1
Thanks for helping in advance.
Aayush Rana