Hi y'all and happy new year.
According to the documentation https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/ibr-dtn/apidoc/0.12/api.pdf it is possible to "*switch to the ExtendedAPI*" to register an endpoint, send/receive bundles and so on.
According to the source code there is no mention of any *APIHandler* (non Extended) yet there is a *APIServer* class and a *ApiP2PExtensionHandler* class. However these class are nothing like ExtendedApiHandler.cpp https://github.com/ibrdtn/ibrdtn/blob/1da5501fc3fc29c52ddfe694671d5c1147a94046/ibrdtn/daemon/src/api/ExtendedApiHandler.cpp file.
I wonder why the command "protocol extended" is needed and what are the possible commands out of the extended protocol.
Have a nice day!
Best regards, --- Auzias Maël auzias.net https://www.auzias.net/en/ - vcard https://www.auzias.net/auzias.vcf - thesis http://people.irisa.fr/Mael.Auzias/ *GSM: 0033 695 118 774*