A bundle consists of one payload block and an unlimited number of extension block. Extension blocks are optional and might exist or not. To receive the bundle payload only, you have to check the block type in startBlock() first and tell the API if you are interested in the payload of this block or not. The bundle payload block has a type of 1. To understand the details, you study the Whisper application.
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 03.09.2013 14:55, schrieb Guilherme Rolim:
Oh, you're right! I thought I could get all the payload in that method. I just checked the Whisper code to know how to do it right. It seems I have to create a stream, and for every payload(byte[] data) write in it, so I can have the final result in the endBundle right? Just one more question, what the startBlock and endBlock methods for?
Really thanks, Guilherme Rolim