I would like to know if there is a way to know the date/time of the application in IBRDTN (not the local date). I want to know the time it takes to send a file from one (wireless) node to a server on the Internet. The problem is that if the boards are not synchronized, so I get results that are probably not correspondent to reality.
I defined two nodes connected to the Internet as masters and the other as slaves, the problem is that I am working with different devices on multiple networks, all in a testbed, they are not all in direct contact with each other (or in direct contact with the master nodes) but there is an end-to-end path. So, I should be able to ping with dtnping end-to-end but it does not work.
In between some nodes the dtnping works but in between some others it does not (I need to add the option --lifetime, but when this happens the results are not correspondent with reality). If you know some way to help me I would appreciate.
Thank you. Best regards, Luís Guedes