I have tested that and it worked but here i specify the file i am sending ! If i want to send more than one file at the same time i can't no ?
Ghada Jaber Etudiante en 5eme année Réseau informatique et Telecommunication a l'INSAT Stagiaire a l'IRIT/ENSEEIHT Tel : 003385681703 email : jaberghada@yahoo.fr Skype : ghada.jaber90 Le Jeudi 22 mai 2014 18h09, Stephan Rottmann rottmann@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de a écrit :
I did not test it, but do you mean something like the following?
hostA:/home/foo $ dtnrecv --group dtn://my/group hostB:/home/foo $ dtnrecv --group dtn://my/group
hostC:/home/foo $ dtnsend -g dtn://my/group file
On Do, 2014-05-22 at 16:44 +0100, Ghada Jaber wrote:
I wanted to know if there is a way to use IP adress because i want to send a message from one device to two others . So i thought about this : dtnsend dtn://broadcast address file
so all the node in the network can receive the message. Because i didn't find any other way to do it. Any advice ?
Thank you
Ghada Jaber Etudiante en 5eme année Réseau informatique et Telecommunication a l'INSAT Stagiaire a l'IRIT/ENSEEIHT Tel : 003385681703 email : jaberghada@yahoo.fr Skype : ghada.jaber90 Le Jeudi 22 mai 2014 17h31, Dominik Schürmann d.schuermann@tu-braunschweig.de a écrit :
Hi Ghada,
I read what you wrote, but it just makes no sense (as Stephan nicely explained), so I recommended ping instead. It is a very nice tool, available on all unix distributions ;)
Regards Dominik
On 05/22/2014 04:36 PM, Ghada Jaber wrote:
I mean using dtn tools and not ping !!!! for dtnsend for example
Ghada Jaber Etudiante en 5eme année Réseau informatique et Telecommunication a
Stagiaire a l'IRIT/ENSEEIHT Tel : 003385681703 email : jaberghada@yahoo.fr Skype : ghada.jaber90 Le Jeudi 22 mai 2014 16h28, Dominik Schürmann
d.schuermann@tu-braunschweig.de a écrit :
srsly? The syntax you are searching for is: "ping [options] destination_host"
Regards, an astonished Dominik
On 05/22/2014 04:06 PM, Ghada Jaber wrote:
Instead of using the name of the node (dtn://name) , i want to use
her IP adress to test dtnping or other tool ( dtnsend , dtnrecv ...)
Can I ? If yes , how ? I mean how is the syntax ?
Thank you
Ghada Jaber Etudiante en 5eme année Réseau informatique et Telecommunication a
Stagiaire a l'IRIT/ENSEEIHT Tel : 003385681703 email : jaberghada@yahoo.fr Skype : ghada.jaber90