I am not 100% sure I understand what you are trying to achieve. Times when Bundles are received/forwarded/sent can be seem from the daemons logfile if enabled. (start the daemon manually with dtnd -c /path/to/config -v to get a feeling, what kind of data can be expected). If it is about the application knowing, isn’t it easy for the application to perform some form of housekeeping, e.g. remembering when it received the last bundle from the daemon?
On 17 Apr 2015, at 15:38, Farouk Mezghani mezghani.f@gmail.com wrote:
Hello all,
I am using a scenario in which there are 2 nodes (node 1 and node 2) running the IBR DTN project. In this scenario, I have node 1 will send a bundle for node 2 at instant "t1". Suppose, that the bundle will be received by node 2 at instant "t1+Δt".
My question is, is it a way for the node 2 to know at an instant 't2' if it is receiving a bundle from a neighboring node (node 1 in this case)?
So in this scenario, I want to get these information :
1/ at t2 ∉ [t1,t1+Δt] ==> node 2 checks and discovers that it is not receiving bundles from neighboring nodes 2/ at t2 ∈ [t1,t1+Δt] ==> node 2 checks and discovers that it is receiving a bundle from neighboring nodes
Best Regards, Farouk
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