that message just means that your Bundle storage is out of date, i.e. it was created with IBR-DTN 0.6x. Because the schemes of the sqlite DB changed in IUBR-DTN 0.8 you get that message. I am not sure, why it does not upgrade the schema (because you should not get that message only once).
An easy workaround would be stop IBR-DTN. Delete the contents in its storage_path (tha you deifned somewhere in your config), which also includes the SQLite DB. Then restart IBR-DTN again with an empty storage, and you should be fine.
Am 13.12.2012 um 17:04 schrieb Carson Dunbar cdunbar@bucknell.edu:
Hello, I am trying to implement the SQLite Bundle storage mechanism in IBR-DTN and I'm running into issues that I did not have with the 0.6.4 release of IBR-DTN. Right now whenever I try to run dtnd, the output says that I am running version 0 and I need to upgrade to 1. I never get a print out saying what version I'm using as in this line below
IBRCOMMON_LOGGER(info) << "SQLiteDatabaseNC: Database version " << version << " found." << IBRCOMMON_LOGGER_ENDL;
I believe means this that the code is getting sent to the catch for the doUpgrade(0, DBSCHEMA_VERSION). Are there any reasons you can think of as to why I would get this result? I have the latest version of sqlite installed from the Ubuntu repositories.
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