Dear Sebastian, Johannes,
I am preparing for an important demo in which I use IBR-DTN for demonstrating DTN. I would appreciate your technical inputs in the places where I am stuck. I am unable to find answers to some questions, and I think only you could help answer them. I will list them one by one:
1. I am facing some difficulties as at some odd times, the daemon stops to respond (dtnping is not possible). Is there a possible bug (or instability issue) in v. 0.10.2?
2. Further, I use "--badclock" option on all systems (TP-Link router and Raspberry Pi) with Epidemic routing. Is there a way to avoid bundles from being accumulated in a system since I do not use a time reference for them to auto expire. Could you tell me if I can specify the "--lifetime" option on the individual "dtnsend bundles dispatched" OR do I need to specify something in the IBR-DTN configuration file? Any specific help will be very helpful.
3. Is there a version incompatibility between 0.10.0 and 0.10.2? I hope not. I use them on all systems and run the daemon with the script "/etc/init.d/ibrdtnd restart". I also tested with v.0.12.0 (latest version) where I found some incompatibility with lower versions (maybe not enough tests). It does not seem to allow --badclock option to be set in the script (it complains) unlike v.0.10.2.
4. What is the difference between Routing = None or Default or Epidemic. In my demo, there are two separate zones of wireless networks and a mobile node in between which takes the data from one zone to the other. Which one can help and how? I would like to understand this since epidemic is set on all nodes, and sometimes sends an avalanche of bundles.
5. Can I set Routing = Epidemic on one node and something else on the other node? Is that possible?
6. I am using DTNTrigger to receive the bundles. In the CPP code, I see that the python script takes over by System:: call, and the local bundle is deleted. When using Epidemic, I am afraid, that since that bundle is lost in the target system, it is brought in back again if the source node is not in sight at that moment. How does the "acknowledgement" mechanism work - does it delete bundles in all nodes when the target receives the bundle?
Attached is the ibrdtn config file for v.0.10.2 on a Raspberry Pi. Please let me know if you find any glitches with settings deviating from the default e.g. cross_layer, routing_forwarding, clock. I have set some of these options to "Yes" without knowing yet why I do that! But it works with that!
I would really appreciate your inputs as I have spent a lot of time figuring this out as the demo is nearing!
Thanks again!