Hallo Francisco,
you have build your packages using OpenWrt based on the eglibc library. But default OpenWrt images (available from the website) are based on uclibc instead. That means your binaries are linked against the wrong c library and you need to switch to a OpenWrt system which is also based on eglibc or switch to a toolchain based on uclibc. I recommend the latter case.
Kind regards, Johannes
Am 31.03.2014 12:42, schrieb Francisco Cuesta:
I have checked out that the library is there and I have found it
$VirtualBox:~/openwrt/attitude_adjustment_rPi$ locate ./ libm.so /attitude_adjustment_rPi/build_dir/target-arm_v6_eglibc-2.15_eabi/root-brcm2708/lib/libm.so.6 /attitude_adjustment_rPi/build_dir/target-arm_v6_eglibc-2.15_eabi/toolchain/ipkg-brcm2708/libc/lib/libm.so.6 /attitude_adjustment_rPi/build_dir/toolchain-arm_v6_gcc-4.6-linaro_eglibc-2.15_eabi/eglibc-2.15-r18909-final/math/libm.so /attitude_adjustment_rPi/build_dir/toolchain-arm_v6_gcc-4.6-linaro_eglibc-2.15_eabi/eglibc-2.15-r18909-final/math/libm.so.6 /attitude_adjustment_rPi/staging_dir/target-arm_v6_eglibc-2.15_eabi/root-brcm2708/lib/libm.so.6 /attitude_adjustment_rPi/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_v6_gcc-4.6-linaro_eglibc-2.15_eabi/lib/libm.so /attitude_adjustment_rPi/staging_dir/toolchain-arm_v6_gcc-4.6-linaro_eglibc-2.15_eabi/lib/libm.so.6
and on my openwrt the library is present as well root@OpenWrt:/lib# ls -la | grep libm -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 615996 Mar 22 2014 libm-2.15.so http://libm-2.15.so lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Mar 22 2014 libm.so.6 -> libm-2.15.so http://libm-2.15.so
So then is it a matter of crosscompilation?
Thanks in advance,