Re: [ibr-dtn] IBR-DTN installation

Hello Dimitrios Giotas,
the easiest way would be to use the pre-compiled repositories. Once you have done your first steps with IBR-DTN, you can try to compile it on your own if that is necessary.
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 17.10.2012 13:08, schrieb Dimitrios Giotas:
Dear Mr. Morgenroth,
my name is Dimitris Giotas.I am a student in Democritus University of Thrace,Greece. My professor has assigned me a project concerning your DTN implementation,and I was wondering if you could assist me in my first steps. I am going through tour wiki/download section and I am trying to install the daemon.After installing all the required libraries,including the optional ones,I tried to install the daemon from source,both manually and by calling the script.I installed the binaries in /home/dimitris/IBR-DTN and the I opened the terminal in that folder.I then ran the dtnd command to start the daemon with the default configuration but I get the message : "dtnd: command not found". Is there any way you could assist me?
I am currently running xUbuntu 12.04.Should I try the xUbuntu 12.04 repository as well?
Thank you for your time, Dimitris Giotas
participants (1)
Johannes Morgenroth