In a three node cenario like:
In my network, B only forwards bundles from A to C if he previously knows A and C. Is it possible to forward without this knowledge?

If the nodes are configured to discover each other, then this should work. Please enable ipnd in the config file. Hope that helps.
On 27-Apr-2017 2:05 AM, "Leonel Gaspar Soares" leonelgasparsoares@gmail.com wrote:
In a three node cenario like:
In my network, B only forwards bundles from A to C if he previously knows A and C. Is it possible to forward without this knowledge?
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... and don't forget to set routing=flooding (*) or routing=epidemic
(*) maybe it's just "flood", but it's documented in the config.
Best, Stephan
Am Donnerstag, den 27.04.2017, 13:03 +0530 schrieb Vijayasarathy Rajagopalan:
If the nodes are configured to discover each other, then this should work. Please enable ipnd in the config file. Hope that helps.
On 27-Apr-2017 2:05 AM, "Leonel Gaspar Soares" <leonelgasparsoares@gm ail.com> wrote:
In a three node cenario like:
In my network, B only forwards bundles from A to C if he previously knows A and C. Is it possible to forward without this knowledge?
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participants (3)
Leonel Gaspar Soares
Stephan Rottmann
Vijayasarathy Rajagopalan