Re: [ibr-dtn] Ibr-dtn Digest, Vol 37, Issue 5

Yes , thank you
Bruno Tavares ________________________________________ De: [] em nome de [] Enviado: quinta-feira, 15 de Agosto de 2013 11:00 Para: Assunto: Ibr-dtn Digest, Vol 37, Issue 5
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: transfer of bundles (Johannes Morgenroth)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 09:55:39 +0200 From: Johannes Morgenroth Subject: Re: [ibr-dtn] transfer of bundles To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Hello Bruno,
the channel between two nodes are exclusive and only one bundle can transmitted at once. Answers that your question?
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 31.07.2013 11:20, schrieb Bruno Tavares:
In order to analyze the results of some experiences I made, I need to know if two bundles are sent at the same time in one node.
Let's say that the scenario has three nodes. The middle node receives a fragment from the first and starts to send it for the last node. In the meanwhile the first node sends a second fragment to the middle one while he is still sending the first one to the last node. What happen? Are the two fragments sent at the same time or the last fragment is only sent to the last node when the transfer of first fragment to the last node is finished ?
Thank you
Best regards
Bruno Tavares
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Bruno Tavares